Prof. Miłosz Jaguszewski
1st Department of Cardiology at the MUG, chairman of the projects’ Scientific Council
I am very glad that thanks to the obtained funds we have the opportunity to implement a campaign promoting our scientific achievements. It is essential for the general public to learn of what we are working on and how it can translate into modern forms of therapy. I believe that this initiative will help us encourage the most talented young people to choose medical studies and then to pursue scientific career at our University. The project, in which I got involved at the stage of its preparation, is a prime example of the cooperation between the academic employees and specialists employed in various units of the University.

Assoc. Prof. Anna Żaczek, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc.,
Vice-Dean for Internationalisation and Development at the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG&MUG
The Science is people project is an important initiative promoting the scientific achievements of researchers working at the Medical University of Gdańsk. At the same, and perhaps most of all, it presents the work of a scientist and academic career as an interesting and attractive path of professional development. In my opinion, scientific work is fascinating, allowing one to discover new things and to better understand the world around us. I strongly believe that scientific work in broadly understood medical sciences shapes opportunities for a more effective diagnosis and treatment of patients due to a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying them. This work is really rewarding, constitutes a constant challenge and incentive for personal development. There is no place for routine and boredom, but there is room for inquisitiveness, posing questions and looking for answers to them. Thanks to the status of a research university, vast scientific development will surely be generated, along with new research positions, projects and lines of research. There is no doubt in my mind that the Medical University of Gdańsk will continue to develop rapidly, creating more and more opportunities for its future students, employees and associates.

Prof. Michał Markuszewski
Vice-Rector for Science at the MUG
The Science is people project is an extremely valuable initiative. First of all, it reveals what scientific research is all about, what challenges it attempts to take on and shows the intrinsic beauty and appeal of science. Furthermore, it makes one realise that behind each achievement there are specific people with their passions, dreams, dedication and deep commitment; people without whom there would be no scientific and civilisation development as well as teaching at the highest professional level. Science is people is also an excellent way of accessible presentation of the contemporary scientific progress to general public and to promote the research character of our University. We are the best medical university in Poland, ranked among the top universities in the country and thanks to extensive international cooperation – also a major research centre in Europe. We owe it mainly to the high position of the Medical University of Gdańsk achieved as a result of the many years of efforts for scientific, didactic and organisational development. I believe that the implementation of this project will build an image of the MUG as a people friendly place, both for those who advance to adulthood during their studies and those for whom science is life.

Agnieszka Anielska
The project’s coordinator
Our campaign is aimed at drawing attention to the fact that science is primarily people. On the example of research projects carried out by our employees, we show that behind each discovery that may result, for example, in the introduction of a new therapy, stands a person – his or her knowledge, competences, intention and passion. We also wish to emphasise that not only do the scientists contribute to the development of specific fields of knowledge, but also have a meaningful impact on the quality of our lives.
By the means of good practices incorporated from the leading world universities the achievements of the Medical University of Gdańsk scientists will be presented in the form of several-minute videos. Given their popular-scientific nature, they are addressed not only the members of the academic community. New materials on the research in the fields of medicine, pharmacy and biotechnology will be regularly published on the website. We hope that both the candidates for studies and young researchers will find them interesting and that they will be incentive for further scientific development at our University.