Main site What are the scientists of the Medical University of Gdańsk working on ... and why is it important? Science, Innovation, Society – How new technologies help patients and support doctors?Contamination of waters with pharmaceuticalsSARS-CoV-2 coronavirus researchTargeted therapies in breast cancerMicro-RNA analysis for the development of diagnostics and therapyAnalysis of circulating tumour cellsTranscatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI)Skin cancer – risk factors, diagnosis and therapyEntropy in cardiovascular researchSupplement or medicine? Research on molecular mechanisms of vitamin DIschemic strokes treatmentPrevention and treatment of lifestyle diseases – Targetello projectNext generation systems for delivering bioactive molecules in chemically synthesized and genetically engineered nanobiomaterials (BIONANOVA)Bromatology. Research on the quality and safety of food productsSpinal muscular atrophy – a disease that ceased to be afatal due to scienceMicrocirculation. In search of new opportunities for examining the cardiovascular systemScience, Innovation, Society – How new technologies help patients and support doctors?Examining specific areas of health status in elderly people, including health-related quality of lifeResearch on pancreatic organoid culture modelManaging biodiversity on forests and urban green spacesDirect spine derotationGenetic aberrations as cancer risk factorsBreast cancer. Clinical trials and complex therapy carried out at the breast unit, University Clinical Centre in GdańskSearching for new therapies for patients with Takotsubo syndromeHow do scientists help identify criminals?Vaccination as a tool in the fight against infectious diseasesArterial hypertension. Contemporary therapies and clinical trialsHealth risk assessment using different human biomonitoring data and alternative approaches More videos coming soon! Medical University of Gdańsk in numbers 0scientists0research projects
Next generation systems for delivering bioactive molecules in chemically synthesized and genetically engineered nanobiomaterials (BIONANOVA)
Examining specific areas of health status in elderly people, including health-related quality of life
Breast cancer. Clinical trials and complex therapy carried out at the breast unit, University Clinical Centre in Gdańsk